Monday, September 30, 2019

Geox and the Footware Industry

The footwear Industry is a mature market with any International competitors. In Europe, the footwear Is dominated by many small game; medium enterprises, which gives firms more flexibility to cater to specific consumer needs. The basic drivers for consumers buying decisions include demography, disposable income, basic needs, style and new materials. Fashion trends have a major influence on the footwear industry as well as new technology. The industry Is very labor intensive and most companies follow a idealization manufacturing strategy to capture lower labor costs, The primary market segments include Sport,'Atheistic, Work and Brown.Goes competes mostly In the Brown market UT acts as a competitor in the Athletic market because of their focus on technology. Competition is harsher in the Sport/Athletic market as it is the largest market in the footwear industry. Goes should continue to exploit new market opportunities embedded in technological innovation and should focus on allocating their resources to maximize returns. They should continue to search for ways for knowledge spill- over as It has lead to positive effects and complementary actively.Goes needs to effectively communicate Its brand and Innovation by creating uncontested market space and a niche Goes, an Italian based company, was started as a small family handicraft firm that evolved Into a multinational footwear manufacturer. It has been operating In the footwear industry since the sass and became public in 2004.Goes core concept for starting a footwear company was to offer high comfort footwear by applying a microprocessor membrane to the sole of the shoe to allow air moisture to exit without reentering. Goes developed its brand and position in the footwear market through its genealogical advances In footwear material. Goes dominated in the global footwear market with their cutting edge technological Innovation. However, despite their recent dominance, tenure nave Eden many changes In tenet competi tive environment that could hinder their performance or slow their growth in the future.Environmental Analysis (PEST) Observing the social aspect of the market, there has been an increasing trend towards footwear companies that targeted very narrow and differentiate market niches with a clearly definable brands and images. Additionally, there has been a detectable trend towards shoes acting as fashion and lifestyle symbols with many reputable fashion designers endorsing them. The economic landscape of the market has shifted and focused more on the rise of Southern Asian countries who have been growing very quickly over the past decade.With the growth of the middle – and upper class, there has been an increase in demand for mid-high end shoes with reputable brands. Analyzing the technological aspect of the market, most of the technological advancements arise in the athletic and sportswear segment. The main reason for this is the consistent demand of material and fabric innovat ion for optimal reference. Because of the effects the fashion industry has on the footwear industry as well as the seasonality of the business, product innovation and obsolescence is very high.After analyzing some of the major social, economic and technological aspects of the industry, Goes is in a good position to leverage new technology in order to gain a competitive advantage and outperform competition. 1. 2 Competition Analysis The current footwear industry is divided into three primary segments based on different consumer styles, which include Sports wear, Work and Brown (casual, formal ; traditional). All three segments consist of homeowners, menswear and childlessness.The largest firms are in the sports segment, which is more concentrated due to higher impact on brand awareness and technical innovation in fabrics and materials. The U. S. Accounts for the majority of global competition including such brands as Mike, Rebook, Brown shoe, Timberland etc. Currently, the majority o f footwear making companies, including the aforementioned competitors, have moved their core manufacturing activities overseas to increase productivity and take advantage lower labor costs. Goes direct competitors include Wolverine andGeneses as both firms compete in between the Leisure and Formal/Classic market segments. However, both firms are positioned more in the mid-high to high end price points while Goes is closer to mid-high, which gives Goes a competitive advantage in terms of price. Indirect competition consists of Checkers, Brown Shoe, Timberland and other competition in the sports segment. Checkers and Brown Shoe are positioned fairly close to Goes. Checkers strategy is focused on the casual market with a mid to high price range while Brown shoe's strategy is targeted more towards the formal wear.Therefore, leaving a gap in the markets space for Goes to exploit new opportunities and capture new market share. 1. 3 Competitive Forces (Porters 5 Forces) Looking at the comp etitive rivalry in the footwear industry, there are many competitors within the industry with very low product differentiation. There is also a more mature growth rate with the market slowly becoming saturated. The potential entry Darkles wilt ten Industry are very null Decease AT ten massive Minimal investment in order to begin operating.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Human Resources and Organizational Behavior for Health Care Leadership in Health Care Management Essay

There are people that need a strong leader in order to thrive in their job. There are also people that don’t need a strong leader because they have the drive to be successful but may need a push every now and then. When it comes to an organization and the dynamics of it, managers be charismatic because of dealing with so many different personalities in the group. Being a charismatic leader requires self-confidence and trust in his/her subordinates. Showing trust in huge as it instills confidence in that employee and tells them they don’t have to look over their shoulders. They can do their jobs freely which can lead to more production in the organization. Conflicts are a natural part of human interaction and it’s inevitable. Part of being a good leader is having effective conflict management skills. When conflicts arise, managers must know how to manage them so that bigger problems don’t grow. There are so many aspects of being a manager and leading. Employees in the organization depend on good leadership and if that need is not met, it can lead to workplace disfunction. Keywords: Charismatic, Conflict, Leadership, Dynamics, Management When the management job is talked about, leadership often comes to mind. It takes a strong minded, organized, and determined individual to do this job. Over seeing a number of different employees can at times not be the easiest job. Leaders must be willing to accept and meet challenges that come for the betterment of patient healthcare. Not everyone can lead a group of people in an organization. It takes the type of person that has people skills as well as the knowledge of his/her job to lead effectively. Leading Creatively Usually when healthcare leaders have a question they take a rational approach until the right or wrong answer has made it up the chain of command. This approach can be effective in some cases but in healthcare thing are always changing. A regular leader loves to avoid mistakes which all mistakes are not avoidable. Someone who is creative loves to learn from mistakes as it can give them more ideas to choose from. Today, the healthcare environment is even more complex as reform and market forces transform the way healthcare is delivered and managed. Belief systems, values and attitudes are shifting. Creative thinking and agile, adaptive leadership will be required to make hospitals, health systems and networks sustainable as the healthcare delivery landscape transforms (http://www. ccl. org/leadership/landing/healthcare/index. aspx). As a leader in healthcare, managers must show their employees that they are willing to be innovative and let their ego go as group collaboration becomes the norm. By modeling this, the employees will be more willing to work together for the good of the organization and the patients. The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) has developed a model that health systems can use to adapt and thrive in uncertain times by creating direction, alignment and commitment. There are six essential organizational capabilities that are a prerequisite for success: Collaborative Patient Care Teams- The team will extend to include clinicians outside the hospital environment which will place a much greater emphasis on higher-order collaboration skills. Resource Stewardship- Requires individual ownership and accountability for the decisions that will ultimately allow the system to thrive and manage its resources judiciously. Talent Transformation- Leaders will need to hire and develop talented individuals who can see the next wave of plausible solutions and innovations and lead transformational change. Boundary Spanning- Leaders draw on networks and relationships as they work systemwide to meet the mission of healthcare. Capacity for Complexity, Innovation and Change- Effective leaders move populations from old established processes to new models of effectiveness and understand the underlying emotional impact of change and how it varies by individual. Employee Engagement and Well-being- Employees are most productive and committed to their organization when they are engaged emotionally, mentally and physically. (http://www. ccl. org/leadership/landing/healthcare/index. aspx). These organizational methods are the essential keys for managers to not only lead their workplace to the way of the future but also helping to lead other organizations. The collaboration aspect is key as it will require everyone to be cohesive and understanding. Power and Influence Power is a defined as having behavioral or fate control over the behavior of another. It exists only when there is an unequal relationship between two people and where one of the two is dependent upon the other (Borkowski, 2011). Power can be a trap for some managers which can lead to abusing it. When employees see and experience this happening they pull away and lose respect for that manager. This can be the downfall of an organization as it can cause employees to lose motivation, commitment, and creativity. There are five bases of social power: reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent power, and expert power. An individual is not limited to just one source of power. Reward power is the ability to give rewards, something that holds value to another individual. Coercive power is the ability to punish either by administering a punishment or by withholding something that an individual needs or wants. Legitimate power is given to an individual on the basis of a given role or position. Referent power stems from P’s affective regard for, or identification with, O. The greater the attraction, the greater the identification. Expert power exists when P awards power to O on the basis of P’s perception of O’s knowledge within a given area (Borkowski, 2011). In class discussion the general consensus was managers that had the trust and respect of their employees, had the most power. A manager is an expert of the knowledge he/she has over a subordinate. When managers use that expert power in the right way, which is to teach his/her subordinates, they will feel that the manager is wanting them to expand their knowledge for their success as well as the organization. This in turn continues to build trust and deep respect for the manager. As an educator, this is modeled for us by our administration. Our superintendent and principal have both been teachers in the classroom but have since moved into the roles that they have now so they are the experts when it comes to some of the issues that come up. They attend countless meetings of changes that may happen either with our district or state so that then they can inform us. Once we have a good grasp of what is going to take place we can then inform our students. The expert power that our administration had has been passed to the teaching staff so that then we can pass that knowledge to the students. Decision Making Decision making is an everyday part of our lives whether we realize what type of decision we make or not. Sometimes we make decisions rationally and sometimes intuitively. The fact is, we want to make the right decision but that is not always going to be the case because we can never see what the outcome of that decision will be and we have to live with that. As in any decision model we use, there are pros and cons of each. In the rational decision making model it brings logic and order to decision making. This approach also can help ensure discipline and consistency. Here are the sequence of steps used to rationally develop a solution: Identifying a problem or opportunity, gathering information, analyzing the situation, developing options, evaluating options, selecting a preferred alternative, and acting on the decision. A strength of this model is that it provides structure and discipline to the decision making process. A weakness of this model is the time that is needed to go through this process (http://www. the-happy-manager. com/articles/rational-decision-making-model/). Another decision making model that is used often is intuition. Intuition can make you a much more effective decision maker, especially when you deal with non-standard situations or in expedient decision making. However there are points that need to be considered for instance, when you need to use intuition, can it be effective, and how this decision model ranks versus rational analysis (http://www. time-management-guide. com/intuition-decision-making. html). In class discussion, classmates used a few different models most notably the two mentioned above. There were a few that used both or weighed heavily on just one. I was one that used both rational and intuitive. There are times in coaching when I use the rational approach to make a decision concerning practice. For example, if I need to set up teams that are equal in talent as opposed to starting five and bench, I have to think about who matches up better with who, or what drills are going to be the most beneficial and productive on a given day. My intuitive approach is used during game situations. For example, when to utilize timeouts, when to substitute players, what play to run, or when to switch defenses. Either way, decisions ometimes don’t work out the way you envision but you learn to live with it and move on. Conflict-Conflict Management Another aspect of being a leader in management is conflict and conflict management. Some situations are easier to handle than others but a manager that has effective conflict management skills can diffuse a bad situation before it gets worse. Interpersonal conflict is a natural outcome of human interaction that involves two or more individuals who believe that their attitudes, behaviors, or preferred goals are in opposition (Borkowski, 2011). This type of conflict is probably one the most common in the workplace simply because there are personal characteristics and issues, interactional difficulties and perspective and perceptive differences. As a result of the diversity of today’s workplace, an extensive range of differences exists between personal and cultures. When dealing with groups of people, many interpersonal conflicts involve role confusion. If a person doesn’t understand their expectations it can intensify the conflict leading to unhealthy relationships. As a result, reactions such as aggression and hostility can take place. There are many strategies we can use in conflict situations whether we use some more often than others or not. It’s important that the strategy we do use is appropriate for that particular situation even if it’s not the strategy we habitually use (Williams, n. d. ). Some strategies we can use for conflict management are; Forcing, Accommodating, Avoiding, Compromising, and Collaborating. When forcing, the manager is using formal authority or other power that he/she possesses to satisfy their concerns without regard to the concerns of the party they are in conflict with. Accommodating is allowing the other party to satisfy their concerns while neglecting your own. Avoiding is not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it. Compromising or attempting to resolve a conflict by identifying a solution that is partially satisfactory to both parties, but completely satisfactory to neither. Lastly, there is collaborating or cooperating with the other party to understand their concerns and expressing your own concerns in an effort to find a mutually and completely satisfactory solution (Williams, n. . ). When leading an organization, understanding how conflict arises is helpful for anticipating situations that may become conflictual. This was something that was talked about in our class discussion. Another idea that was mentioned was that seeing all sides of a situation makes a good manager because it helps the employees develop trust. A situation that stands out to me is looking up from speaking with another student and witnessi ng a student get hit with a ball by another student. We will call the student that got hit (A) and the student that threw the ball (B). Obviously student (A) was not happy about getting hit so the first thing he does is run to confront student (B). Some pushing was done by both and then I intervened. Not seeing student (B) throw the ball just the outcome, I calmed them both down and I asked student (B) why he hit student (A) with the ball. He said he was trying to throw it to someone else but that student (A) stepped in at the wrong time and got hit so it was a just an accident. After student (A) heard the story he understood and apologized for pushing student (B) and student (B) also apologized. The strategy I used was collaborating as we all came to an understanding to what happened. Conclusion Not everyone can lead a group of people in an organization. It takes the type of person that has people skills as well as the knowledge of his/her job to lead effectively. Managers are pulled in so many different directions and they must be able to adapt. Being a leader in an organization is not easy, however being a leader period is not easy. A manager must be aware of what is happening in their organization to lead effectively. Not everyone has the same expectations but part of being a charismatic leader is showing that trust and confidence in his/her employees shows them that even though you are the manager, you trust what they are bringing something positive to the organization. Managers relationship with his/her employees is important as the day to day operations depend on the behaviors of everyone. The relationship connectedness between subordinates and managers is key to productivity in the workplace.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Things Fall Apart Reflective Statement

REFLECTIVE STATEMENT Response to interactive oral on Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart When I first read Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart I found it very interesting how she was able to show us what was going on in Nigeria at that time, how he showed us the ways of living of the blacks, and whites weren’t the only ones who had a culture, but in fact were the ones who destroyed the African culture. Moreover during the interactive oral interesting themes and issues such as Town Unity and Culture were highlighted, which gave me an even more distinct insight of the characters in the book and how they were affected by these things.Achebe uses the main character, Okwonko as a vessel to depict how ‘Things Fall Apart’; in the novel, and through Okwonko we are able to adequately grasp a lot of cultural practices in Nigeria. Diction in this novel plays a major role, and it is through diction that many of the themes are unlocked and also the diction used in th e novel, effectively induces you into the culture and lifestyle of the Nigerians. Achebe uses Proverbs, Short Songs, Nigerian Words and Some Literary devices like metaphors and similes.These all contribute to keeping you in-tune with what kind of setting you are in and in this case Nigeria. The women in this novel are characterized too be empowered and they genuinely help each other, through Ezinma, who is even a little girl and the only daughter from Okwonko’s first wife, you can tell how strong willed she is, as she even tells her dad to eat his food when he wasn’t in the right state, she was also even seen by Okwonko as the ideal son, in contrast to Nwoye who is actually even a boy.Okwonko’s wives also in the novel stick together and look out for each other; the prepare food for each other’s children when one happens not to be around and they also even go on to lie for each other. Wrapping it all up, the interactive oral gave me a better understanding of the book and brought to light many details that were covered. Through diction and proper documentation of the novel Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart also taught me many things about Nigeria and their various cultures.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ban the burqa rhetorical analysis Research Paper - 1

Ban the burqa rhetorical analysis - Research Paper Example However, as one might expect, these alternative views do not appropriately reflect the views of the author herself. Rather, notwithstanding the well-articulated counter arguments and the issue of freedom and legality that they necessarily entail, the author constructs an argument for the complete prohibition at worst and discouragement at best of the burqa within society. As a means of quickly seeking to jar the reader’s attention from the rhetorical strength of those individuals who have come out against legislation banning the veil, Berlinski shifts to the isolated cases of sexual violence that take place in the lawless suburbs of Paris. As a means of distraction this is an effective tactic due to the fact that it instantly congeals the reader’s impression of Islam as naturally given to sexual violence, rape specifically, and depicts the male adherents as little more than sexually deviant thugs who are more than willing to cast aside all decency that a host culture, such as France, may have gifted them as a means of punishing those who dare to show a bit of self expression and freedom of strict Islamic tradition. As a function of shifting the debate from the broad to the specific, the author is able to convince the reader that her specific point of view is the most rational. This rhetorical approach is not unique; however Berlinski ap plies it masterfully. Right after eviscerating Islamic European culture for being broken, immoral, and unrestrained, Berlinski states, â€Å"Yet the burqa must be banned. All forms of veiling must be, if not banned, strongly discouraged and stigmatized† (Berlinski 2). The argument deviates further from the subject matter when Berlinski brings in the topic of gynecological examinations of girls within many of the recent immigrant communities within Europe. Although it is not the function of this author to make a moral judgment with regards to whether or not such a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dessertation on ''stress on international students Dissertation

Dessertation on ''stress on international students - Dissertation Example To determine the specific stressors affecting the students, I structured questionnaires intended to be filled by the international students. In the the questionnaires the students are required to fill whether they are stressed or not by the following factors. They include financial challenges, university fees, getting job in the United Kingdom, language and accommodation. In addition, the questionnaire will determine whether international students pay more fees than the local students do. The questionnaires were sent 100 the international students through the internet and they were supposed to send back the results after one day. The study will target undergraduate and graduate students and all genders. This study is informed by recent findings by Amposah (2010) which established that international students in Manchester University have considerably higher levels of stress than the local students in spite of them facing equal academic challenges. This has resulted to the students ado pting poor stress coping mechanisms including drug abuse, dropping out of school and prevalence of psychological disorders. According to Agnes and Harriet (1993), stress is the emotional feeling a person experiences while under pressure. In this regard, stress is a response of preparing the body to face anticipated tough challenges, with renewed focus, strength and high level of concentration. According to Abe, et al. (1998:21) regulated stress is a motivational factor and it enhances output of the affected person. However, too much stress arising from excessive pressure is counterproductive and it could lead to physical and mental illness. A research conducted by Amposah (2010) established that international students are very prone to stress because of enormous pressure of excelling in their studies, meeting their living expenses and adjusting in the foreign country. Stress often happens in situations that require immediate attention, but in some cases, it extends for long periods causing a lot health and behavioral problems to a person. The effects of long-term stress normally results to feelings of being overwhelmed by the challenges at hand and low energy levels to cope (Mind for better mental health, 2010). Abe, et al (1998:442) established that congested schedules that hardly leave enough time for relaxation and rest as the most prevalent stressors among international students. Though most international students face similar stressors, they have different ways of handling and coping with the stressing situations. Some externalize it by projecting their anger to other persons while other internalize the pressures resulting to mental and physical disorders .These can subsequently develop into severe health and behavioral conditions such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks , drug abuse, suicidal tendencies among others(Mind for better mental health, 2010). This study investigates stressors on international students, undertaking their studies in Manchester University in the United Kingdom. Manchester University in United Kingdom has an ancient tradition of attracting and admitting students from different countries in the world. The most common feature that attracts foreign students to universities in the UK is the high academic standards that often lack in the institutions of higher learning in their home countries. British universities are credited for producing prominent personalities in the world in their respective areas of specialization. In this respect, they attract numerous

You need to give the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

You need to give the topic - Essay Example It is seen that geologically speaking the land can be divided into five tectonic periods of the tectonic evolution of the area. The present landform of the country is based in the era Miocene-early Pleistocene or â€Å"neotectonic period†. China is a land which exhibits great mountains of Himalayas and then plains with beautiful valleys of Karst landscape. Himalayas play a vital role in the sediment formation of the rivers which lead into the Bay of Bengal. The intraplate is seen deformed in China which is a vital part when speaking of Chinese tectonic plates. It is a part of the Eurasian continental plate and is coherent plus is unified lithospheric plate. The land area is made up of intense collision and folding with wide magmatism and metamorphism of orientated linear and foliar structures and thus, the land includes a wide range of geological morphism (Virtual Upper Mantle of the Earth). Central China is located on the loess plateau which can be accounted as the world’s largest Quaternary loess deposits. The fertile and alluvial land is located in the east of china from the Yangzi river delta to the south with a mark of highlands and peninsula of Shandong. The south of the Yangzi river mostly constitutes of the mountainous region and in the area, there is a dominance of sedimentary deposit because of the river and the Yangzi craton. Green fields are a part of the karst landscape which constitutes the Guangxi and Yunnan provinces. The border with Korea is mountain oriented but much of the northeast of the country is made up of the alluvial plains. In the west of the country, is the Tibetan plateau which is in elevation about 4000 meters. China is made up of hundreds of sedimentary basins. India is one of the neighbor countries and it is seen that the collision of the Indian subcontinent which was a part of the Antarctica, there was a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The new deal and government intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The new deal and government intervention - Essay Example The New Deal was a cycle of economic programs put into operation in the United States between 1933 and 1936. They were approved by the U.S. Congress during president Franklin Roosevelt’s first term. The programs were Roosevelt’s reaction to the Great Depression: historians call them â€Å"3Rs†. That is Relief, Recovery, and Reform: Recovery of the economy to standard levels, Relief for the broke and jobless, and Reform of the financial structure to thwart a duplicate depression. The New Deal shaped a political realignment making the Democratic Party the majority, with its foundation in open-minded ideas, large city machines, and the recently authorized labor unions and racial minorities (Leuchtenburg 12-21). Most historians, such as Thomas A. Bailey, make a distinction between the â€Å"First New Deal† and the â€Å"Second New Deal†. A number of programs were announced unconstitutional, and some were revoked during the World War II. The First New Deal dealt with varied parties, from industry and farming to banking and railroads. This set of groups required assistance for economic recovery. The Second New Deal incorporated the Wagner Act to sponsor the Social Security Act, the labor unions, the Work Progress Administration relief program, and new programs to assist lessee farmers and immigrant workers (Johnson 15-20). The Civil Works Administration was produced in 1933 to create jobs for the jobless. Its concern with high paying jobs in the construction field amounted to better expenditure to the federal government than was formerly expected. The Civil Works Administration ended in 1934 due to, in part, resistance to its cost. Federal Housing Administration was a government agency formed to fight the housing predicament of the Great Depression. The huge figure of unwaged workers united with the banking predicament created a scenario according to which banks retracted loans. The

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Aldi, Lidl and Netto Supermarkets Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aldi, Lidl and Netto Supermarkets - Case Study Example The macro economic players include government's regulations, global economic trends, development of technology, and social aspects of living. Analysis of the business environment is very important before coming up with a marketing strategy. The marketing style adopted by the three supermarkets (Aldi, Lidl and Natto). The most important players to consider when designing a marketing scheme are the clients and the competitors so that the buyer behaviour can be manipulated to benefit the business by purchasing more while keeping a competitive advantage over competitors (Creevy 2008). Basically the current business environment shows that the number of buyers is reducing as the credit crisis has led to loss of jobs and the consequence of this is reduced purchases as many people cut down of some expenditure. The current estimated consumer cut down is about 57%. The prices of basic products increased considerably over the past few years according to the estimated at 11% per year. The three supermarkets are struggling very had to stay at the top of the business and also venturing into other countries like Germany where they have already won the war. The risk of recession presents an opportunity and the three supermarkets have advertised their land requirements in the media and have predicted an enormous increase (Creevy 2008). The three supermarkets should strife to maintain and increase the market share which is currently at 40% combined with over 500 stores. The marketing mix has been very unique approach as the supermarkets stock assortment of well recognised brands like Nescafe and Heinz plus other Dutch and German products. Over the next twelve to eighteen months, the Aldi, Lidl and Netto supermarkets should improve on their display of products to add glamour. The products range from alcohol brands, bakery, cereals, desserts, sweets, fruits and vegetables, pasta and dried foods, pets and health and beauty. The foods are displayed in fridges and this offers wide-ranging effects of sausage and other snacks. The aisles should be designed in attractive manner in that the discount tags are colorfully displayed with the clothing stacked in an organized manner (Leroux 2009). To diverse the product portfolio, the supermarkets should provide seasonal delicacies like barbecues. Aldi, Lidl and Netto should adopt price cuts and give offers in order to keep up with the competition from other players in the market like Tesco which is greatly competing with them. The current statistics reveals that the value line of Tesco products is lower making these gods cheaper than those offered by Aldi, Lidl and Netto (Leroux 2009). These supermarkets should now realise that customers are very informed and they a understand that discounts do not imply poor quality hence if the use of offering discounts as a marketing strategy is implemented, then the supermarkets are bound to increase their sales by a greater margin. Lidl property director has confirmed that the supermarket is ready to take an extra mile in order to keep competitors at bay and this would include stocking and dealing in any product that would make commercial sense (Duxbury 2008). For this purposes the supermarkets have placed their interests to purchase land on the media as mentioned before, this is as a result of property slump. The supermarket need to maintain good working

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Communication - Assignment Example In the high-context cultures of Japan, China, Arab nations, and most of Latin America, the use of ambiguity and a polite language is the preferred way of conveying a message, while in low-context countries of Scandinavia, the United States of America, Germany, and most of Europe, direct and often frank or confrontational ways of communication are much preferred (â€Å"say what you mean!†). Verbs, metaphors, aphorisms, similes, anecdotes and even silence are used in the high-context cultures to deliver a strong message without diluting its importance (Norales 25). Some key elements of text messaging which should be avoided in electronic mails or e-mail messages are writing informally (since an e-mail is considered more formal than a text message sent by a cellular phone or any mobile device) such as not putting proper headings or proper greetings to the recipient/s, using shortened versions of commonly-used words, usually not checking for proper grammar or spelling mistakes, an d not crafting a good subject line. A person's professionalism shows through in his or her work output; any spelling or grammar mistakes is indicative of a lousy work attitude by not properly checking for these mistakes or errors and having a hectic or busy schedule is no excuse for committing them. A really professional office worker takes time to proofread everything before sending them out, and it is reflective of a good work attitude such as giving due attention to details. It forms part of being a professional such as wearing proper office attire or having a cheerful attitude to all colleagues. So it is a fair basis for making judgment about a person and his work habits as any error-free document shows that person took time to be diligent (Lindsell-Roberts 18). Comprehension implies knowledge and understanding to denote the fact of grasping the meaning, importance, significance, or nature of a thing or an event. In this regard, the idea of comprehension is usually universal bec ause it indicates that if everybody comprehends the same thing or event, there is a general agreement on what it means or its overall significance. On the other hand, interpretation is the act or process of explaining something, such as natural phenomena that was observed, and the way it was comprehended or understood but with the additional layer of being subjective, because the person who interprets something does so in a way that is colored by his own beliefs, customs, knowledge, skills, and even prejudice or bias. There can be different interpretations of the same thing but only one comprehension of it. A provocative question is any question which seeks to instigate or cause arguments, actions, discussions, or even problems and quarrels from the other party to which a question has been addressed to. A provocative question can either be good or bad, depending on the context and intent for which it was originally posed or asked. It is good if it aims to promote a new line of think ing, for example. It is bad if it creates dissension or division or even anger. A question is authentic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Welcome Address Essay Example for Free

Welcome Address Essay A warm and pleasant evening to all those who are present here. If there are no stars,there won’t be any beauty in the sky. If there is no difference of opinions there won’t be any creative and innovative ideas. Similarly if there is no Annual Function in our school, there won’t be any chance for our young and dynamic children to uphold the pride of the institute, to catalogue the challenges we face, the endeavors we made andthe success we achieved and to show what we were, what we are and what we will be. Here am I hence, much privileged to stand before you, to extend profound wishes andgreetings from the bottom of my heart, to bring the warmth of our affection, throughthe stream of love, to welcome each and every one of you.It is time for yet another day of the year to exhibit the talents of all our children, to bring to your kind notice their academic excellence, and the medals they bagged intheir outstanding performance in spots, and the grades they achieved in extracurricular activities, and in everything they speak and perform today as the cultural feastunfolds.We are extremely happy to have you with us today, to share in our joy and delightfulmoments of the day, and to be part of what we are. Wishing you all once again ahappy and memorable stay, I remain.Thank you. INTRODUCING THE CHIEF GUEST I am profuse elated to take an opportunity to introduce our chief guest of the day Rev.Dr. N. Ravichandran, the director of the IIM Indore. He is graduated from IIMMadras in 1980 with specialization in Applied Probability. He joined IIM Ahemdabadas faculty in Production and Quantitative Method Area in 1980.His teaching and research interest include Applied Probability, Business ProcessReengineering, Competitive Strategy, IT for Competitive Advantage, Logistics andSupply Chain Management, Operation Strategy, Quantitative Methods inManagement, Simulation and Stochastic Modeling.He had held several short term visiting positions in many European Universities. Hehas edited and co-authored 6 books, presented 80 research papers in national andinternational conference, 70 research publications in peer reviewed journals andauthored 40 management cases. He has designed 8 new  executive courses at IIMAhemdabad and introduced 7 electives in the PGA program of IIM Ahemdabad.Several companies in India and in abroad as well have sought his expertise, to evolve,tailor made executive programme, in the areas of general management, business process reengineering, information technology as a source of advantage, competitivestrategy, supply chain management, logistics, operation management and strategicsourcing.Since Nov. 2008, he is the director of the IIM Indore

Saturday, September 21, 2019

MCB Bank Pakistan: SWOT and PEST Analysis

MCB Bank Pakistan: SWOT and PEST Analysis Jump to: SWOT Analysis of MCB | PEST Analysis of MCB | Porters Five Analysis of MCB | Ecological Factors Affecting MCB This report analyses the largest bank of Pakistan, MCB. MCB was founded over 50 years ago in Pakistan, it has got a network of over 1026 branches, 750 are automated branches and 300 MCB ATMS in 41 cities of Pakistan. MCB has a network of over 12 banks on the MNET ATM switch. The aim of MCB is to rationalize expenses, realignment of back and processing to increase productivity, enhancement of customer services, increase efficiency and control. MCB is the only bank of Pakistan which introduced the innovative concept of centralizing Trade Services in Pakistan by providing centralized foreign trade services to its branches with view to improve efficiency, expertise and reduce delivery cost. MCB is the only bank who has been able to receive The Euro Money Award for the fourth time in the last 5 years. Since 2001 to 2005 MCB has won the best bank in Pakistan and in 2000 the best domestic bank in Pakistan awards. All though MCB also has distinction in winning The Asia money award in 2004 an d 2005. It has been 10 years that MCB has been privatized. MCB core businesses are corporate, commercial and consumer banking. In year 2005 MCB was the only bank of Pakistan to become the preferred provider of quality financial services. Financial services in the country with profitability and responsibility. In the year 2005 MCB was the best employers in Pakistan to employee graduates. According to the results, MCB witnessed resilient operating performance in the first quarter of 2009 with healthy growth in balance sheet and key profitability indicators. Total assets of the bank swelled to Rs 456b with an increase of 3pc over Rs 444b as at December 2008 and increased by 15pc over Rs. 397b in March 2008. Deposits showed an increase of Rs. 8b over December 2008 and closed at Rs 338b i.e. a growth of 2pc over Dec 2008. In 2007, MCB reported a profit after tax of PKR16.4 billion (US$270 million) and generated a return on average equity of 38% and a net interest margin of 8.08%. The Banks asset quality is strong with a gross NPL ratio of 4.7% and provision coverage of 100%. At the end of year 2006 MCB Bank announced it Net Income Rs. 12,541M (US$ 206M) which was an increase of 36.1% over 2005. Net Interest Income was Rs. 21276M(US$ 349M) for the year 2006, which was a healthy increase of 42% over the same period last year, with the pre provision operating profit at Rs.20, 113M( US$ 330M), a 39% increase over last year. However, the year 2007-08 has been very tough years for Pakistans economy. It is due to different factors such as political and economic events took place within Pakistan. The above explained events such as disturbed political conditions, an unstable law and order situation; supply shocks; soaring oil, food and other commodity; prices; softening of external demand; and turmoil in the international financial market. SWOT Analysis of MCB Strengths MCB Bank has earned a reputation in the market for extending quality services to the market vis-Ã  -vis its competitors. It has earned a strong Brand name in banking in a very short span of time. As customer confidence in MCB escort it towards achieving their goals and objectives. It has the premier number of linked branches in the country. The bank operates through a network of 1026 BRANCHES and over 300 ATMs across Pakistan, hence enabling them to serve customer in superior way. MCB Bank has all the products under its belt, which help it to extend the relationship with existing customer. MCB Bank has umbrella of products to offer their customers, if once customer has relationship with the bank. Some Products, which MCB Banks offering are Retail Banking, Business Banking, Merchant Establishment Services (EDC Machine), Personal loans Car loans, Demit Services with E-Broking, Mutual Fund (MCB Banks the Distributor of all Mutual Fund), Insurance and Housing Loans. MCB is having an ed ge over other banks in case of Salary Accounts. Most of the companies are having their Salary Account with MCB even if their Current Account is with any other Bank. This is mainly because of the huge network of ATMs and branches of MCB. MCB is only Bank which is having its working hours from 8 to 8 for some branches which is one of the major strength of MCB Bank with respect to nationwide business Industry. MCB Banks known for its aggressive marketing of its products. Recent Endorsement of its product by famous celebrities and superior advertisement to attract more customers. From its inception, MCB Bank has adopted a policy of selecting internationally proven and specialized Packaged Systems for its technology. MCB banks technology platform has been acknowledged globally as one of the best in terms of robustness, flexibility and cost efficiency. MCB Banks in a position to leverage this platform to further build cost and service advantage. MCB has a strong management team and have a very impressive cash flow with an excellent financial performance. As MCB was awarded 1st Asian bank providing good return on saving and current account to its customers. Weaknesses The bank targets only the top grade of clients and does not cater to the needs of small customers. Due to this reason the bank may sometimes loose good clients. As well they have to concentrate on their online banking to attract more customers as their online banking service has a weak image in front of customers. MCB Bank has a defensive approach in lending. Mainly to IT ITES companies Bank do not provide loan as these companies are not having collaterals so bank hesitate in giving loans to them. Because of this policy companies prefer nationalized banks and MCB Banking turn sometimes loose potential customers. MCB Banks having little presence Outside Pakistan, because of which companies prefer MNC Bank, mainly united bank limited (UBL). So if MCB Bank tries to emerge outside Pakistan then it has a huge potential of customers. MCB aggressive marketing has rapidly increasing its customer base. They are not however, increasing the number of employees accordingly. This is leading to c orrosion of the standard of customer service. Opportunities MCB can improve insurance services to compete in market. MCB insurance premium is high and return on claim is less in percentage. As other insurance companies are convincing their customers to buy insurance policies. It has been noticed that MCB has not been recruiting properly and their business need experts in various tax policies and service of bank. MCB has associated itself with various social causes such as helping poor people for food and medical treatment on low charges. MCB can improve their customer service as there is always a room to add innovative techniques and polices which could lead to additional proficiency of the institution. MCB recently introduces Mobile banking service, but most of the customers are unaware of the service and MCB could work on adverting it to give benefits of it to their clients. Threats MCB is having sturdy competition in market with its competitors as some of them having their branches nationwide and internationally as well. MCB is ready to provide all kind of services to their clients online but they have to make it confidential that the data is being protected and secure and cannot be leaked to third party. Branch managers are allowed to take decisions on their own in regard to their branch but decisions made by individuals will be different and a single wrong decision could escort towards intense losses to the institution. MCB has been facing trouble in providing good service to uneducated customers to use electronic and computerized machines. PEST Analysis of MCB The analysis of MCB will take in to account the general environment analysis, the competitors analysis by comparing the products offered by the competitive banks and the departmental analysis. The general environment of takes in to account the external factors like politics, economy of Pakistan, socio-cultural factors and technology. Now we will analyze these factors one by one and check how these affect the working of MCB: Political The current situation of the government in Pakistan is directly affecting the policies of banks. However, MCB tries hard to keep its business away from the politics but it is not an easy task. MCB has no accounts of political leaders or parties. However, its Customer Service Department faces peer pressure from such political parties. As MCB is trapped in dual sanctions from the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and from the European Union so the changing political environment is not so beneficial for the bank to operate freely. The changing policies of the government, affects SBP which in return affects the MCB rules and policies. The government of Pakistan has privatized most of the banks. The number of government owned banks have declined constantly, so these changes directly affect MCB. Economical The economy of any country has deep impact on any financial organization. Economic indicators include Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, balance of payment, debt of the government. These below graphs will explain how economic conditions of Pakistan are adversely affecting the banking system of Pakistan. The pitiable economy of Pakistan and instable government is adversely affecting MCB and its different departments; recently MCB has redundant many of its employees. The economy of our Pakistan is very poor. Due to poor economy businesses are showing low profits and Pakistan stock market is in great danger. Pakistans foreign debts are rising day by day, so such a situation is a huge challenge for MCB to survive. Due to financial crisis in Pakistan the management of MCB has to face stressful situations and also working environment. At present the MCB is not extending loans but recovering the existing ones. Social MCB has been influenced by the socio-cultural factors. At present most of the European countries are keeping their eyes on Pakistan as being the terrorist country, so people of Pakistan are emotionally getting affected by it. Most of the foreign investments have been stopped in Pakistan. Pakistani people are traditionalists who do not like the modern banking environment of MCB. Some of the customers do not use ATMs they still prefer cash counters, so these kinds of socio-cultural factors affect the banking environment and its operations. Technological Technology has a deep influence on different kinds of organizations whether banks or any kind social welfare organizations. In MCB technology has great effect on the working environment. Mostly all banks use computers none of the banks keep data manually so the bank has to be continuously in touch with the modern ways of task performance. MCB is always ahead to introduce new computer systems for keeping its staff up to date. The intranet facility is playing an important role in enhancing the knowledge of staff. Due to technology that bank staff keeps in touch with the customers through e mail; ATMs and online banking is only possible due to technology. In this way technology is playing its key role in and is helping management to further improve its functions. Conclusion: Overall we can say that MCB is influenced by the economic position of Pakistan, which has stopped it from extending loans to the customers. After that the policies of MCB are also affecting its performance and free functioning. Social and technological issues are of secondary importance but they also cannot be neglected. MCB is focusing positively regarding technological issues but it should also keep its eye on the social cultural factors also. Porters Five Forces Analysis of MCB For further analysis of MCB environment, Porters Five Forces Analysis is also applied on the bank. This analysis takes in to consideration the following factors: Substitutes Substitution of one product with another one increases the competition within an industry. However, the perfect substitutes of banks are not available in the market at present, but people still have choices of saving or investing their money. The people can save their money in their own houses or they can deposit their money in the National Saving Centers (Banking Intermediaries) which give protection to their assets. Aside from saving one can invest money in stock market in form of shares / bonds or in real estate. These kinds of substitutes increase the competition in the banking sector. Competition There is tough competition between different banks. There is a huge variety of public and private banks already exist in the market, offering products on competitive prices. If we look at banking products (loans, savings and current accounts) then Alfalah Bank, Meezan Bank, Habib Bank and many others are offering wide range of products in this sector. The tough competition between these banks increases the challenge which the MCB have to face. The competition among various banks increases the switching of the customers form one banks product to the other bank. Threat of new entrants The banking sector of any country has always potential of growth and competition. Mostly foreign banks step in the developing countries for expanding their branches, not only this mergers between foreign and local banks take place at large scale but Pakistans present economic condition and government instability has arose the feelings of awe and terror among most of the foreign banks to enter in the market. In future due to uncertainty and security problems in Pakistan investors will not be willing to invest here. Due to overall financial problems in the whole world new banks will not be entering in to the banking industry. Power of buyer Bargaining power of buyer is low where the products substitutes are not available and customers are large in number. In case of banks there are lots of other banks and banking intermediaries, having wide range of products, so power of buyer in banking sector is high. The bank cannot force any customer to buy the desired product because this directly affects its reputation. However, the bank can convince its customers by giving them special discount or rewards. If we look at MCB we will find that the competitors are also offering products due to which customer feel in power by saying that they can go to some other bank in case of dissatisfaction. Bargaining power of suppliers The lending power of bank is enhanced by its depositors as they are suppliers of the bank. It allows bank to involve in other business activities to invest such as personal and business loans. The suppliers then get interest on their amount as profit earned by the bank. Banks need to concentrate on their policies as bargaining power of suppliers is very high and they move towards highest interest rates. Conclusion According to Porters Five Forces analysis we can say that MCB has no fear of new entrants due to the poor economic position of Pakistan. However, it should keep its eyes open regarding mergers of various banks. There are two big threats; firstly from the buyers who can go to the other banks and secondly form the substitutes like investment in stock market, so MCB should carefully examine its task environment. The Ecological Responsibilities of Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) 3 different parts are mentioned in this section: How ecological factors affecting decision making and policy at MCB How effective the action taken towards ecological environment been so far (reducing waste, reducing carbon emission, reducing energy bills, reducing airtravel, investing in sustainable project) how these have gone up and have benefited the company. What other areas of improvement that you think they should be doing to improve response of ecological factorsthink about what other banks internationally have done and suggest something to MCB. The public responsibilities of corporations, according to Harvard management ( year ), are to grow and prosper thereby providing customer satisfaction, employment, taxes, and contributions to the economyand to control their hazards. According to Milton Friedman, the only social responsibility of a corporation is to make money, by striving after profit as an efficient agent of production, although he admits that the corporation should conform to the rules and norms of society. Corporate responsibility is more composite than a simple, linear cost/benefit analysis. Using the metaphor of corporation as organism, it is possible to outline a new set of responsibilities for corporations and a series of behaviors that human individuals and communities can practice to integrate corporate behavior into the communities. With an ecological model, the ecological responsibilities of corporations, to themselves, to nature, and to human communities, are described. At MCB profit making is an obligatory part of business, but not the sole reason for business. There for MCB ensures that it serves public goods as well as private interests. This is analogous to Ruth Benedicts original anthropological meaning of synergy as applied to individuals. In secure, nonaggressive societies, an individual serves his own advantage as well as that of the group with the same act. Institution ensures mutual advantage; the acts are mutually reinforcing. Economic recession may bring a re-examination of values, not only by individuals who have less material wealth, but by corporations that have emphasized growth. The public may insist that corporations consider social performance as well as strictly economic performance. The single economic purpose may only be the focus in a social environment.MCB is highly concerned about economic actions, such as where to build, who to relocate, hire, or dismiss, may be subjected to greater public scrutiny. Business cannot assert a primary self-interest at a cost to the public or environment. Corporations need to keep track of their environmental impacts. Many of the problems that corporations face are connected to the problems of the environment and society. Corporations need to work cooperatively to make sure the costs and benefits are extended equally throughout the system. They could start by sponsoring the rational use of rare resources through taxation, and by influencing the government to determine priorities for wilderness areas or special landscapes; beautiful, fragile, unique, or endangered ecosystems and species must be protected at the expense of commercial activity. With regards to ecological factors Muslim Commercial Bank have had considerable focus on the ecological diversities in the market some of the existing factors in addition to the future polices and practice have been discussed as under; The bank created a department with ecological authority to envision long-range plans and impacts. They have realized that they need to react more quickly to monitor their ecological and social environments for the emerging patterns that determine their future. They need to anticipate and participate in the social and natural framework. A new department, with global, anticipatory functions could provide direction and continuity. Such a department could be justified in the same manner as military forces. Military expenditure is a non-productive cost; its benefits are general and long-range, that is, it must discourage war in the next decade as well as in this one. Its scope of advice would include educational services as well as advertising, capital acquisitions as well as new products, and plant engineering as well as security. Plan all foreseeable consequences of a product. Advanced technology permits the power to change to overwhelm the ability to foresee the consequences of change. Avoiding the opposite actions of intentions (recognized by the Greeks as the operation of tragedy) is extremely difficult. Good intentions are not enough: Labor-saving devices may contribute to unemployment and social problems; foreign aid may result in starvation for more millions as local agriculture cannot compete; and the environmental management of some species for sustainable yield causes the population to collapse. The bank is determined to optimum corporate size and maintains it. As they perceive that after a point, growth results in inefficiency and non adaptability. Development, on the other hand, can continue for hundreds or thousands of years. A smaller size could mean more flexibility and faster response to local conditions. Recognize material limits. The global economy is probably too large already to be supported by the natural systems of the planet. Find an upper limit to the economy of scale. Accept limits to growth based on materials and on non-renewable or dangerous sources of energy. This should not limit development based on advancing technology and knowledge. Another factor which the bank could focus on is to adjust corporate strategies to changing values. Smaller social and cultural groups have different and diverging values, so corporations are going to have to adjust to a diversity of values instead of to a monolithic standard. The structure of power is disintegrating, with information replacing things as wealth. The knowledge-driven economy is more decentralized and customized. This moves us towards customization of production and away from mass production. Change the shape of the corporation to a framework coordinating separate divisions sharing information. Each division could react much more quickly to market conditions. MCB works to delineate a new information model of production in which the stages of a process (capital, materials, workers, design, advertising, selling) are simultaneous and synthesized. The conception of the product is extended from design (even customer contributions and design of working conditions) to aftercare, including ecologically safe retirement and disposal. The notions of efficiency and productivity are changing. Innovation and computer technology shortens product life cycles. Production diversity is increasing. Convert the information model to an understanding model. Information is just data without appropriate structure. Provide a structure and material base for understanding through communication, education, and training. Furthermore MCB promotes the principle of least effort, allowing the company to consume less, recycle, use longer, and avoid waste. Corporations could develop renewable energy sources. Conduct a complete series of audits, including an energy audit for every building. Reduce office costs through energy conservation planning. Use renewable energy sources. Energy and materials can be used and reused, flowing through the system. Cars are ecologically unacceptable forms of transport, yet companies intrinsically recognize them with large, free parking lots. Discourage commuting; encourage telecommuting or even alternate forms of transportation (bicycling, buses, and trains). Minimize wastes, for instance, by using permanent packaging (milk bottles and cola bottles can be reused forty or more times). Conduct a complete series of audits, including an environmental audit to determine negative impacts, from acid wastes or product disposal, and a problem audit, to include inherited problems. Produce a comprehensive annual impact statement. MCB ensures to maintain the health of natural communities, because environmental health is the basis for community health, and community health is the basis for economic health and worker health. The quality of life depends on the quality of the environment. If the environment is degraded to raise the quality of life, the effect is very limited and can never be self-sustaining. Fitting economic costs and needs to the limits of ecosystems and monitoring the economic process would reduce wastes and pressures on natural processes. The coupling of agricultural productivity to a solar budget, and the conscious restoration of degraded systems, would contribute to the health of ecosystems. The financial institution believes that sufficient wilderness would allow the self-maintenance of global cycles. With the increase in security, wealth, and self-esteem, human populations could be dependent on ecosystem productivities and still be diverse and unique. What made us human was that, in additio n to human social groups, we lived in communities with other species. We learned spontaneously from other animals and enjoyed their company. We are poor and malcontent without them. The management of the bank tends to be accountable for ecological impacts. They believe that the bank should be held more accountable for their technological impact. New technology is more closely regulated. They comprehend this by favoring open appraisal of new technologies. By studying the potential consequences, physical, social, and ecological, as far as possible into the future, of its innovations in information technology, they can gain credibility. Otherwise, it can wait and be forced by public and governmental pressure. Integrate loops and material flows; internalize cycles. The bank tends to avoid interference with natural processes. Technological processes have been brought into balance with the cycles of the earth. They must not damage or degrade natural cycles. Avoid unnecessary harm. It may be appropriate to use trees or to compete with black bears for tree use, but it is never wise to destroy the ecosystem of trees and bears. Laws on pollution and noxious wastes have been notoriously lax and sometimes wrong-headed. Minimal acceptable tolerances are legal, yet people often prefer zero amounts of many substances. Minimal compliance with them is virtuous for many companies, but it would be better to lead to higher standards. Work toward setting zero-level goals. Do not dump exotic or dangerous wastes. Do not discharge quantities of safe wastes. The Corporation maintains building and plants in thousands of locations, each requiring support. Convert to ecological grounds practices. Forgo economic development of key ecosystems, which should not be available for human use. Consider adjusting the economic pace to natural rates; do not cut trees, for instance, faster than they grow. Consider minimizing use of ecosystem productivity to the net ecosystem productivity, rather than the gross productivity, especially as regards fisheries. Another influential feature of MCB is to promote ecological design; the institution is becoming a more responsible member of the community. Thus it would encourage an ecological approach to systems and processes in the whole environment, where the product, with its plant, engineers, and advertisers, is a link in a long biomorphic chain stretching from knives to surgical microchip memory implants. Ecological design has important characteristics for responsible technology: The products are designed by interdisciplinary teams considering all parameters and consequences; ecological sciences offer creative insights into design through a search for underlying organic principles; the product must be related to the particular environment, the tool is a link between human and environment. It is hard to protect communities when the way most business is done tends to disrupt community life. Because of its size, power, and intention (often just for profit), the corporation should take higher risks not lower than the surrounding communities. This will ensure the safety of products and wastes. The work place is not just collection of individuals. It is a number of groups. Group interaction can change attitudes. A working community can build mutual responsibility. Show proper behavior; learn community etiquette. The bank can design the corporate structure and size for the community. Limit unnecessary movement or disruption. Plan the shape, size, and products of the corporation to fit the local community. Encourage self-reliance in communities. Communities can be self-reliant: By producing enough food and shelter; by limiting their population to what can be produced; by using local products and raw materials (soil, minerals, plants); by using general and not specialized machines; by having multipurpose factories; by networking with other communities, and; by doing without things that are not needed, e.g., bombs, food additives, or plastic bottles. Muslim commercial bank is an ecological corporation and could use corporate buying power to promote acceptable technologies and discourage unacceptable practices. Deal less with nuclear weapons contractors and more with solar energy companies. Deal less with one-shot paper companies and more with recycling paper companies. Boycott paper companies involved in Rainforest destruction or old-growth forest destruction. Avoid banks that invest in anything that brings a high return, from third-world debt to Amazonian destruction and South African discrimination. Favor peace-oriented companies as business partners. And, refuse to participate in work that is socially destructive. Economic development and social progress are necessary for the welfare of humanity, but must be conducted with environmental knowledge. The goal of economics and politics is to provide suitable and comfortable human habitations and meaningful activities. Human settlements must be planned and constructed within environmental constraints and according to ecological priorities. Work to preserve the structure of the natural and social communities. Corporations can encourage decentralization and restore schools, clinics, and shops to local communities. Offer cooperative control with the community. Change the pattern of ownership to reflect employee and community participation. The bank is promoting ecological education. Encouraging cultural traditions; refusing to let social and spiritual needs be subverted by economic ends. Helping to lead the young into their adult responsibilities through training and participation, such as with apprenticeship programs. They could also educate people in appropriate ways to achieve wealth and well-being. Teach appreciation of the services rendered by nature through flows and cycling. Point out the unexpectedness of the consequences of even simple corporate interventions and innovations, e.g., positive feedback, biological concentration of poisons, and synergetic effects of simple new chemicals like CFCs. Trace the complex and reciprocal relations of soil, climate, vegetation, and human activity. Emphasize that a fixed set of ecological parameters in an ecosystem cannot be maintained in a sustainable way, because the system is dynamic and changing. Put computers in proper perspective. Children do not need computers to dev elop the powers of thought, but they do need an ecological curriculum where animals display greater powers of mind than computers or machines. The important technological advantages of a computer, word-processing, database searches, complex connections, and rapid computation, are not really needed before high school, unlike myths, languages, and physical activities. Encourage people to take responsibility for all of their actions, from reproduction to consumption and politics. The responsibility for the welfare of the citizens belongs in the community, as does education, safety, and the whole infrastructure. Corporate management is responsible for developing programs to set goals, modify structures, and introduce criteria to measure progress. The Board of Directors is responsible, as the architects of responsibility and stewards of the human and material resources; the government is responsible, in its legislative, judicial, and regulatory functions.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fermat’s Last Theorem Essay -- Pierre Fermat Math Mathematics Papers

Fermat’s Last Theorem The year is 1637. Pierre de Fermat sits in his library, huddled over a copy of Arithmetica written by the Greek mathematician Diaphantus in the third century A. D. Turning the page, Fermat comes across the Pythagorean equation: x 2 + y 2 = z 2. He leans back in his chair to think and wonders if this property is limited to the power of two only. He bends over the book again, scanning ahead through the pages to look for any clues. Suddenly, he begins writing intensely in the margin: â€Å"It is impossible for a cube to be written as a sum of two cubes, or for a fourth power to be written as the sum of two fourth powers or, in general, for any number which is a power greater than the second to be written as a sum of two like powers. I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.† These words, written so carelessly, were to survive to bewilder, frustrate and elude mathematicians of all kinds for centuries to come. This is the legend of Fermat’s Last Theorem. Pierre de Fermat was born in the town of Beaumont-de-Lomagne in southwestern France at the beginning of the seventeenth century in the year 1601. Being the son of a wealthy merchant, Fermat was able to gain a privileged education at monasteries and universities. The young man, however, never showed any particular strength in the subject of mathematics, choosing instead to pursue a career in the civil service of France. His elevated status in society allowed him to include the â€Å"de† in his surname. He suffered a serious attack of the plague during his adult life, severe enough to prompt friends to mistakenly pronounce him dead! Fermat never made math his career, but mathematics at th... ... Kolata, Gina. â€Å"How a gap in the Fermat proof was found.† The New York Times, 144 (January 1995): B5. Expanded Academic ASAP. Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT. 15 September 2002. Mackenzie, Dana. â€Å"Fermat’s Last Theorem Extended.† Science 285.5425 (July 1999): 178. Expanded Academic ASAP. Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT. 15 September 2002. Mozzochi, C. J. The Fermat Diary. American Mathematical Society, 2000. Ribenboim, Paulo. Fermat’s Last Theorem for Amateurs. New York: Springer, 1999. Singh, Simon. â€Å"Fermat’s Enigma: the Epic Quest to Solve the World’s Greatest Mathematical Problem.† New York: Walker, 1997. Van der Poorten, Alf. Notes on Fermat’s last theorem. New York: J. Wiley, 1996. Weisstein, Eric W. â€Å"Fermat, Pierre de.† Wolfram Research. (14 September 2002.)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

TERRORISM AND IMMIGRATION Essay -- essays research papers

Terrorism in the United States   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The terrifying event that occurred on September 11, 2001 is an example of what the world had been warned about many times, â€Å"TERRORISM†. In 1998, for example, the U.S. government told American citizens that they were potential targets for a terrorist group joined by the now infamous Osama bin Laden (Eland, 1998). However, many did not think any terrorist would be capable of the tragedy that leveled the World Trade Center and took many thousands of human lives. Americans thought they could not be touched, especially on their own turf.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While it may be that organizations involved with Bin Laden that are in the United States, and have been for years, there are other groups that U.S. citizens may not be aware of. Many have probably forgotten The Order of the Rising Sun. Members of this group, in 1972, possessed thirty to forty kilograms of bacteria that they planned to put into the American water supply (Yonah, 1999). The nation is a main target for both national and international terrorists. There are numerous foreign groups and governments that target U.S. For example, Libya, Iraq and Iran in addition to groups from Germany and Palestine(Yonah, 1999). While most of the damage done by such organizations has been overseas, their presence is felt in the United States. Almost all foreign terrorist organizations have caused a problem in the United States, in which the primary threats come from Middle East terrorist organizations (Emerson, 2000). The concept that the Middle East groups are more dangerous to the U.S., is not thought of as a prejudice comment. It is a concept that has been realized by both the FBI and CIA(Emerson,2000). The Middle Eastern and Islamic terrorist groups that have members in the United States include the Algerian Armed Islamic Group, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian group, the Egyptian group, Al Gamat Al Islamiya, the PKK, the Islamic party, and Al- Qaeda, which belongs to Osama bin Laden (Emerson,2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Al-Qaeda is the most dangerous in respect to U.S. interests. The group was formed by Osama bin Laden during the 1980s. In 1989, the organization stated it was their duty, and the duty of all Muslims, to kill U.S. citizens and all U.S. allies (2001). Like other groups, some of their plans were stopped such as the 199... ...ble to freely move about the United States, whether they entered legally or illegally, supporting activities such as bombings, assassinations and other methods of destruction aimed at the Western world. The future likely holds a less trustworthy planet and one would guess that questionable people with questionable passports would be denied entry when they get to U.S. borders throughout the twenty-first century. Still, the fact that terrorists have been able to live in the United States unencumbered during the past decade or so is rather chilling. References Alexander, Y. (1999). Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century: Threats and Responses. The World & I, 14, 80. Eland, I. (1998, September 25). The U.S. Government Is Endangering American Citizens. The Cato Institute. [Online]. Available: Emerson, S. (2000). INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND IMMIGRATION POLICY:STEVEN EMERSON. Congressional Testimony, PG (Reprinted in Original publisher not listed). Terrorist Group Profiles. (2000). Dudley Knox Library: Naval Postgraduate School. [Online]. Available:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

conscription Essay example -- essays research papers fc

Non-essential Conscription   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the war on terrorism continues more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are dying every month. The government is struggling to organize the number of soldiers maintaining the opposition in both Afghanistan and Iraq which brings up a popular topic-conscription (mandatory military enlistment). Senator Charles Rangel of New York was the one that introduced the call for the military draft upon the Senate. The draft was revoked and still hasn’t been in affect since the Vietnam War over thirty years ago. Reinstitution of conscription would not help this country right now, it will just make matters worse. It is not necessary to permit a draft in the United States because our advanced voluntary military should be able to control the defense of our country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If years from now we are still fighting in operation Iraqi freedom and record numbers of troops are dropping, then congress should start to propose a draft, not now. They probably are pre-warning us right now yet won’t actually pass this mandate until next year or months from today. Who knows, the government can construct a draft tomorrow if they feel that it’s necessary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A meeting between democrats and republicans took place in January this year regarding conscription. They basically discussed how and when this will take action. â€Å"The middle class and lower middle class should not be forced to bear the burden of fighting and dying if, in fact, this is a generational war.† (Senator Chuck Hagel-Republican from Nebraska) He and many other senators made it clear to the press that if there was a draft, then the majority of the upper middle class and upper class would be targeted to fight for our country. I agree simply because during the Vietnam War, many children of the higher social layers of society found any possible way to avoid the draft.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our military defense has the most advanced weapons and protection system in the world. Ever since Bush took place in office, our taxes were contributing towards the expenses of the military. After watching the Department of Defense spend billions of dollars on military needs these last past four years, I wonder why they have to bring up this non-essential topic. This budget that Clinton actually proposed was $277.5 billion for the Sec... ...r paying rent and was in the best shape of my life. It wasn’t that bad, also when I was deployed to Iraq I saved a lot of money and came back to the States feeling and living great. The reason why I got out is because I wanted to go to school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every person in the U.S. between the ages of 18-26 should be aware of this situation that can possibly happen. They should all have the right to be heard and share their opinions with the rest of the country instead of just the Pentagon, Senate, Legislatures and Politicians. They aren’t the ones who are going to be forced to fight, we are, and we as the young people of society are the easiest intentions. From my knowledge and what I’ve seen while I was in the Army I can say that our armed forces are fine over in Iraq. We don’t need to draft more troops for the war in Iraq. While conscription will ruin our country, another country will be benefited doesn’t make sense. Works Cited   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Questions in a Little Dark Corner

â€Å"Who are you? Is this me? Why can't I recognize myself?† those questions have always been around me in the pass few years that I have hided myself in a little dark corner. I have asked the same questions to myself over and over again, but when can I get an answer? I've only got more and more questions come out through my mind. I don't know where they came from, I don't what to say, and I don't know what to do, but cry, in a little dark corner. I started to ask those questions when I came to America. I don't know why, but I do know this have never happened to me before. Back in Taiwan, I was known as a cute little girl that likes to play a lot, many adult loves me by make them happy. I know I have come from a beautiful little island, which we all called Taiwan. I never thought about going anywhere outside of this country, until my father has already decided to start a new adventure at America. He thinks this is a good opportunity for us to see outside of the world, and learn something new form the out side world. But are you sure this is a right thing to do? Nobody knows, not even myself. Socratic Seminar Questions I have no idea what's like to be apart from my country, I just know I'm following my dad's order, and go on to the airplane just as he tell me to. I only know few words in English, like â€Å"hello† and â€Å"good bye†, or the most important one â€Å"bathroom†. I still remember when we came down from the airplane, we were lost in the airport, since my older sister have the best English out of all of us, my father tried to convince her to ask direction for us, but still she is also have never talk to any American before, therefore we are all dislike to talk to anyone. But we still need direction for our way out, and then we have the idea to use paper-rock-scissor to decide who will be the one asking direction for us. This â€Å"paper-rock-scissor† thing has happen through out the whole first year that we came to America. Even we have already been practiced talking to native speakers, I don't know why I still didn't see any improvement of my English skill, and I'm the only one still on the same spot as I came to America. I have never liked to talk to any American; I know if I don't talk my English skill will never get better, but what can I do? I can't, just can't, I'm afraid to make any mistakes or see other people make joke out of me, I don't want to make fun of myself and let people laugh at my face. I don't know what to do, what can I do? At the school, because of my â€Å"afraid†, I didn't talk to any other students; therefore I didn't have any friend. Everyone think I'm weird, no one likes to talk to me, and there are even have some classmate thought I'm one of the â€Å"special kid†; they don't like me, and I don't like them, I'm all alone. But is this what I really want? No, I do not want my life continue like this. I want to make some friends, be part of them, have some laugh with, and be happy. Don't walk away from me, don't turn your face away, look at me and talk to me, be friend with me, but how? I keep asking myself to speak, to talk, just open my mouth, but why can't I do it? Why? I ask myself in a dark corner. After one year, when I know we are moving, and I was going to transfer to another school, I was so happy; I thought I can make up my stupid mistake, and make some friends this time. By the time before the first day to my new school, I was teaching myself how to introduce myself to other classmates in front of my bathroom mirror, think that I can actually make some friend on my own. I was very happy; I thought I don't need my little corner any more. But I was wrong. I didn't make up any of my mistakes, I have done it again. When I saw other students came to me, my mouth immediately closed up, and I only stand there and watch them walk pass through me one by one. I hate myself, hate that couldn't speak, hate why can't I just do it, and make some friends. I'm back in the little dark corner, I said to myself everyday, to talk, to speak, to make friend, but I never did it, I can't, not even I wanted to, my mouth just won't work. What can I do? I keep asking myself the same question again and again. Two years have passed my sister and my brother has getting better and butter in English, and they have make all kinds of friends, only I haven't change much, and still no friend for me. High school is getting closer and closer, only few mouth left, I know what I need to do, I know what I should do, but can I do it? I keep practicing my little speech to myself, will I make friends? Will I open my mouth? I don't know, but I will try. I will try anything to get out of the little dark corner. Now I'm a high school student, the little dark corner is getting smaller and smaller; I have friends now, and I even have by â€Å"BFF†, and I'll continue to make more friends. I do not need my corner anymore. But still, I will like to become more open like what I use to be, the happy little girl who always have a nice smile on the face, and make everyone laugh all the time. Even I'm not a little girl anymore, to be happy or sad, I'm still me, I may change over time, but I am still here. This is the new me, to get stronger and stronger, to help other get out of the little dark corner.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Corporal Punishment Argument Essay

Corporal Punishment Argument Essay Corporal Punishment should not be enforced to teach children from misbehaving. To spank and to hit children in todays society Is considered morally wrong but often unpracticed. There is a fine line between abusive hitting and spanking your child on the caboose. Parents who hit their children wither at home or in public leave mental and physical scars that could untimely influence violent behavior in children. Children who are physically punished at home hardly ever learn their lesson.Researchers from the Catalog of Physiologic Study have proved that punishing a child through corporal punishment only leads to more misbehaver. Instead, by confronting them in a calm matter has shown to work better by 35 percent, rather than hitting. In addition, by taking away something that the child possess dear to their hearts for a certain period of time forces them to behave in an orderly manner. For example, when a child runs up a cell phone bill, it would make m ore sense to take away the cell phone rather than physically spank the child and allowing them to keep the cell phone.By keeping the cell phone, children are more likely to take risks. Although, by taking away the phone children understand if they were to take another risk they would jeopardize not having a phone. Society can be viewed as extremely hypocritical. Their viewpoints on public corporal punishment can be seen as evil. More than 90 percent of the community disagrees with corporal punishment while they are in public, but only 15 percent will practice what they preach in their homes. This leaves about 85 percent of parents who exercise spanking in the comfort of their own homes.This hypocritical trait is what leads to frustration in parents and confusion in children. Many times the frustration from not being able to punish children in public leads to a more severe punishment at home. This is often seen when teachers notify higher authority when they see or suspect some sort of violence in their student’s homes. A child who receives corporal punishment undergoes more stress and emotional discomfort than any parent might from contributing punishment. The children’s helplessness can lead to more violent behavior; In addition, most children grow up to mimic the methods of discipline from their own parents or guardians.In 2008, child services survey announced that children who had been spanked at a younger age were at high risk of emotional damage, which often resulted to a poor and unsuccessful future. In addition most children loose respect and become accustomed to being hit by their parents. Most children aren’t fazed by others emotions because of their adapted ways. Spanking and hitting children are not the only idealistic methods to solving problems. The many viewpoints from parents, society and children are important to follow inorder to have a child who

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Discuss Dickens treatment of the Victorian concept Essay

Discuss Dickens treatment of the Victorian concept of a gentleman in â€Å"Great Expectations†. Great Expectations is a novel about a boy called Pip and is of him growing up. One day a lawyer turns up at his sister’s house saying he has great expectations of him. A mysterious benefactor is giving money through the lawyer to Pip. Pip spends this money on what he thinks is becoming gentleman i. e. buying new furniture. However towards the end of the novel, when Pip finds out who his mysterious benefactor really is, he realises what a true gentleman is, a man of great principles and, a person with good manners. The novel is written by a much older Pip looking back at his life and being amazed at some of the mistakes he actually made. In Great Expectations, every character has there own opinion of what a real gentleman should be like. Pip, the main character of the novel; while he is still a teenager thinks that a real gentleman should have a lot of money, wear expensive clothes, know how to read and write and should go to a gentleman’s club. Whereas towards the end of the novel, when he is much more grown up, he realises that a true gentleman has good manners and is loyal. Dickens wrote this novel in many sections, which appeared in a newspaper, as the story became so famous the sections were collaborated into a novel. The novel was written in Victorian times, and like many of his novels they were about the times and the attitudes of all people of society. In this novel Dickens’s message to the Victorian people was that to be true gentleman one did not have to be of a rich family or have lots of money; but a true gentleman was loyal, treated others with great respect and had immaculate manners. In modern society we all think that a gentleman should treat others with respect, dress smartly, have excellent manners and be well behaved in public. However some people follow the literal meaning of a gentleman, being that the individual comes from a noble / family. In the novel Pip makes friends with Bently Drummel, who is a gentleman by definition of a dictionary, however what Pip realises a true gentleman is, Bently Drummel is not. There are many things about Bently Drummel that convinces the reader that Bently Drummel is not a true gentleman. Firstly for example he beats his wife, which a true gentleman would never do. A true gentleman would treat a lady with respect at all times. Bently Drummel is only a gentleman because he comes from a rich family his ethics are all completely wrong. He does not lens any money to his friends and he treats them as if they are inferior to him due to his riches. We all know that a true gentleman would never mistreat his friends and would always take great care f them. However on could also argue against these accusations, which are against Bently Drummel and say that he is in fact quite a gentleman. But that all depends upon what one defines a gentleman as. If one says that a gentleman is someone who is very arrogant, and loves himself and his riches more than anyone else then you could say that Bently Drummel is a gentleman However I think in modern day society, and what dickens is trying to put across to the reader is that it is not ones position in society; it is not ones riches that make him a gentleman but his humility, his kindness and his love for his neighbours. In the Victorians times, in which the paper is set, the book as we have said was published in small sections in the newspaper and middle and even lower class people would get to read these newspaper one way or another, so Dickens’s message is not just to the rich or just to the poor but to the whole society. Another example of gentleman by definition and a true gentleman is of Compeyson and Magwitch Magwitch is not rich nor of noble decent, but has good principles, he is Pips mysterious benefactor who sends him money in order for him to become a gentleman, although it may not seem so due to the events early in the novel but Magwitch is kind and caring, as he makes sure that Pip is well looked after. Having said that Magwitch is an escaped convict yet he earns money via an honest living from which he sends money to Pip. Compeyson was Magwitch’s accomplice who ran away with all the money and blamed all the crimes on Magwitch who served the time. Another thing against the Compeyson is that he had very bad principles compared to Magwitch. He conned Miss Havisham into loving him and then and on their wedding day he left Miss Havisham waiting at the altar and ran away with most of her money. This left Miss Havisham devastated she sat I a room with all the clocks stopped at the time of the wedding, she sat their in her wedding gown, very frail obviously because she was not eating well. A true gentleman could never do this to a women and this is highlighted in the way that Magwitch treats women. At the time in which this novel was released in its different sections, Dickens wanted to add enough suspense so that the reader wanted to read the next section and would remember all the previous sections. He added thrill and excitement to the section by introducing a new character relatively in each section, who has there own appearance, is from there own part of society i. e. working class, and who has their own different views and opinions. This is clearly apparent as each character has his own view, for example Estella a beautiful girl, who Pip is deeply in love with tells him that a gentleman dresses smart, has nice shoes and soft hands. IT is clear to see the message that dickens is broadcasting to the people through his novel and is seem to have an effect because it tells all the people the rich and poor that money does not make a gentleman in the eyes of the community so it is better to be happy with what one has and to have good principles and scruples.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Benguet Corporation Essay

1. Statement of the problem The Benguet Corporation refused to submit concentrate samples to the Philippine Associated Smelters and Refining Corporation (PASAR). The Benguet Corporation faces shortage in producing their products and complying its contract to Mitsubishi Metal Corporation and complying the LOI. 2. Analysis of the case  Strengths The Benguet Corporation is the major producer of copper concentrates. It was the oldest mining company, the largest gold and chromite producer and one of the largest copper producers in the Philippines. Smelted Weaknesses Benguet Corporation production was expected to decline steadily which results a negative impact to Mitsubishi Metal Corporation. The Letter of Instruction (LOI) ensures the Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Corporation (PASAR) an adequate supply of copper concentrates from all local companies which results/causes pressure to Benguet Corporation in submitting its samples to PASAR. Opportunities-chance,break It is the biggest and oldest mining corporation started since 1903 and produces largest gold, chromite and copper in the Philippines. It is active in exploration for gold, copper, chromite and coal. Its expertise is about exploration, mining, beneficiation and marketing of minerals. Threats Benguet Corp. faces complaint from own shareholders. It also fears from selling their concentrates to foreign smelting and refining plants because  of the mercury content which results Benguet enter into a 12year contract to Mitsubishi Metal Corporation. 3. Alternative Solutions to the problem The Benguet Corporation provides 5-year summary of financial performance, including the individual subsidiaries’ contributions and the resulting effects which results of return of the company stakeholders. The Benguet Corporation tried to have a partnership to different small mining corporations which results higher operation employment and workers. Since, Benguet Corporation worriedly looked for foreign buyers of its concentrates. The corporation decided to have a partnership with other foreign smelting and refining companies that could help them mercury content of their products. The LOI helps the Philippine Industry to lessen its dependence of foreign especially Japanese smelter who processed most of the local mining outputs which PASAR does it best to cater the local mining corporations here in Philippines. Since Benguet Corporation could not possibly meet its contract to Mitsubishi and fulfill its quota to PASAR, the Benguet Corporation must submit first its concentrates to PASAR to refine it before giving it to Mitsubishi Corporation to lessen the refining and smelting charges of the Japanese Corporations, so there will be no reimbursement of the total project price and there will be no contractual and workers would be affected. 4. Pointed Solution The Letter of Instruction (LOI) was executed not for negative purposes but for the good of all mining corporations. These is the reason why the LOI 1387 forced and mandated all the local mining corporations to submit their products to the Philippine Associated Smelting and Refining Corporation (PASAR) for testing, refining and smelting of mining products before transporting it to the foreign companies but the Benguet Corporation president, Mr. Jaime V. Ongpin is doubtful to PASAR’s capability in smelting  and refining their products. The reason why Benguet Corporation-PASAR Controversy. Yes the PASAR encountered difficulties on its first year but everyone deserves second chance. I believe that PASAR could help the Beguet Corporation on its problem about smelting and refining its concentrates and to lessen the mercury on its mining products.